In the past 3 years I looked deeply for the effort I can bring to this world and the calling how to spend my life at the same time.
Back in Winter 2019 suddenly I got this gift of a „vision“. The vision of AuthentiCity. Where we all can live with deepest compassion and appreciation. But still with consequence in the daily life with ourselves and others. Living with the greatest potential of authenticity. Living in connection with the universe and ourselves.
Then I realised that it is essential for bringing up the process, to work and observe in the dynamic of groups, so AuthentiCity can rise to a city.
What do I want to offer:
Gatherings where we can experience and discuss in the context of: Where do I see disconnection in the world and in myself? What does it need to get in connection? What do I need to show myself in an authentic way and feeling comfortable at the same time? When do I take self-responsibility?
Who am I bringing up such a topic?
Due to my aided hearing I am able to take part to the everyday life. However, there is still a handicap that seems to be obvious. This reminds me to show myself authentically again and again. I fully see this as a gift that I can develop and this is needed to be shown to all of you in the world.
I was born and raised in beautiful Vienna, so I got used from the very beginning what it means to live in a town that really is worth it. However, just like in every city nowadays, I can observe a lot of anger, frustration, pain, loneliness in many of us. So, the question is: What does it require to get the lost wagon back to station? What do YOU need?
I am looking forward to get in touch with you.
Take care. Yours, Mathias
Feedback from participants:
Mathias is a pleasant young man. He leads his events with his calm voice. He listens carefully to what the participants say and asks well-considered questions at the right time. – Theresa
I’ve already been to an AuthentiCity event once. Before that, I didn’t know exactly what to expect, just a little bit about authenticity. But at the end of the event it was much clearer to me. I understood why it is such an important issue for Mathias. He and Martina (from the association „Faireintmitherz“) led us professionally through the evening and even my skeptical husband could take something from the evening with him. Thank you for hosting this. – Veronika
It was pleasure to join your workshops and learn more about myself. I went home with a much clearer view to my personality and desires. I truly believe, that safe spaces like „AuthentiCity“ are accesses to a meaningful, authentic and powerful life. Thank you for your support. – Robert Kraxner