Citytours – Your Magic Place

Sightseeing? Nope. 😉

Here it is all about a journey to a place or a building, which has got a special meaning for YOU. The place where you experienced a moment of magic, where you could feel your authenticity, your essence. A place where your life maybe got a radical shift. Or maybe it is just your favourite place, where you use to hang around. 

Let’s visit this place together. If you live somewhere else than Vienna, we can also have a talk via Zoom etc. 

Anyway, we will have a chat about your magic place. It is important to me that the setting is comfortable for you and suitable for the whole context. If you agree, I will do a record of our meeting and, if suitable, publish it as a video and/or text on my blog. Another option would be a “life event” with a certain number of attendants. 

For you as a presenter, this meeting will be for free in any case. 

Do you know such a magical place? Have I raised your interest? Do you have any questions? 

Write me a DM. 🙂

With gratitude, Mathias

PS: Here you can find some very cool Magic Places Talks I already did. 🙂

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