Kategorie: Articles

  • It’s not my pain, it’s our pain

    It’s not my pain, it’s our pain

    Imagine a place where everybody is expressing themselves. Dancing to the music, screaming, moving, standing, sitting, lying, meditating, praying.  I ‘ve been to such a place. I was there.   Dancing. It was after a longer period of dancing when I decided to take a break. Sitting, resting, maybe a bit meditating. I watched the people…

  • The Uncoupled Wagon

    The Uncoupled Wagon

    It’s a late evening after a very productive day. After visiting another event, I now sit far too early on a train at Vienna Western Railway Station and wait for the departure. Not a single person sits in this wagon besides me. Sometimes there is a little noise, otherwise it is completely silent. When I…